Tales From The Pantry: A Butler's Diary

From the pantry of an historic country house comes the ongoing diary of its butler, Mr Dean Fielding. I shall be giving you a glimpse of the family I serve and of the lives both 'Below Stairs' and 'Above'. I hope you follow my jottings daily.

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Location: United Kingdom

Have been butler here for over 15 years. Having previously, and unusually for these days, worked my way up from footman to under-butler to my current post. You can now follow me on Twitter via: http://www.twitter.com/butlerfielding

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

This Abandoned Ruin Of A Blog

I wrote this originally as a message on the previous post (are you still with me? I confuse myself sometimes) but, for visitors who like to nip in, pop their heads around the door, and then depart, cursing the name of Fielding, and comparing it to all that is lazy, I hope the following will explain the abandonment of this blog.

It is rather a romantic ruin these days. Byron would have approved.

So, here is the explanation for those who might have missed it:

"Well, there is always hope. Stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood!

I began to neglect this blog after its original intention (a day-by-day, blow-by-blow, account of life at Carstone) proved to be difficult to maintain. There always seemed to be something keeping me away from my chronicle. Samuel Pepys probably had the same problem, but handled it in a far better way.

I'm not sure that anybody would really be interested in posts every few days, or every week, or so. It was the day-by-day details that I wanted to capture.

I was frustrated in this act by, as Harold Macmillan would have said, "events, dear boy, events!"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can certainly understand the difficulty with posting every day, and I for one would still be interested in reading about the occasional event even if it's not every day.

I'd like to see you continue with this blog, no matter how rare the posts are. Don't feel guilty about not writing as frequently as you'd like--your job is a demanding one, but that's part of what makes it interesting for us!

2:02 pm  
Blogger CmentMixer said...

Mr Fielding, it is partly on your head that I am in this profession. Not to worry, I am really having a great time with it.
Please continue to post as the Spirit moves you. The beauty of RSS readers is you just show up on my "doorstep" like a welcomed piece of mail.
Now, unfortunately, it is time for me to get back to Spring Blitz. My principals are away for 2 whole weeks.

12:41 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a phenomenal blog. Some of us need your wit and wisdom.

I would be interested in knowing what brought you into this career, and why you stayed with it?

Do keep on with the blog.

I'd be grateful if you shared your hints and tips for managing such a huge manse.

4:51 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Fielding, as you can see from the comments so far, some of us never gave up hope that you'd show up again. Your posts are so interesting; even if you can't manage your original intention of describing day-by-day events, please consider occasionally sharing something about your activities. I don't ask for a regular schedule, but just a tidbit or two as time permits. If you do decide to stop entirely, please let us know so we won't worry about you.

5:09 am  
Blogger Mr Fielding said...

Thank you for the kind comments. I will certainly jot down my thoughts whenever the chance arises. That really makes this more of a 'butler's journal' than 'diary' but change is the spice of life they say.

8:54 am  
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7:00 am  

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