Tales From The Pantry: A Butler's Diary

From the pantry of an historic country house comes the ongoing diary of its butler, Mr Dean Fielding. I shall be giving you a glimpse of the family I serve and of the lives both 'Below Stairs' and 'Above'. I hope you follow my jottings daily.

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Location: United Kingdom

Have been butler here for over 15 years. Having previously, and unusually for these days, worked my way up from footman to under-butler to my current post. You can now follow me on Twitter via: http://www.twitter.com/butlerfielding

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Comfy Again

To my very great delight my chair has returned and I must confess that I find the new upholstering to be rather splendid. I have found every possible excuse to settle into it over the past couple of days. If anybody wished to find me, they would have to look no further than the now shining mid 19th century arm chair tucked next to the fire in the Butler's Pantry. There they would stumble across a butler content with his lot in life.

Mr Miles has been in bed for almost a week now. His influenza has quite knocked him for six. Sir Geoffrey, who never gets ill, but occasionally gets 'seriously ill', firmly believes that his son is faking illness to avoid accompanying him to the re-opening of the village hall tomorrow. If he is, Mr Miles has missed his calling, rather than penning mystic poetry, he should be treading the boards in the West End, or lighting up a screen in cinemas across the globe. His temperature remains high. He looks not a little green about the gills. In fact, his gills resemble a village cricket pitch at the moment. Dr Morgan has been called but merely diagnosed what we already knew: ie influenza which requires rest, and absolutely no opening of village halls in cold weather.

Dr Morgan enjoys visiting Carstone House, with good reason. He never leaves without a drink in the Servant's Hall, and a hot meal prepared for him by Mrs Styles.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hoy, no picture with this post? They are always so dashed tasteful...

3:07 pm  
Blogger Bob said...

Ah right, so that's how you get a doctor to make house calls these days. Must rememeber that one.

10:08 am  
Blogger Mr Fielding said...

Indeed, Bob, no doctor can resist a drink and a home-cooked meal. It attracts them like bees to pollen.

I sincerely apologise Augustine. I shall pull up my socks and attempt to do better in the pictoral department in future.

11:03 am  
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4:19 pm  
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4:46 pm  
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5:11 am  
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10:10 pm  
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4:06 pm  
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8:09 pm  

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